
Lies, damn lies and statistics

Common Business Entities


The key concept in Data Autonomy architecture is to master significant business objects at the point where there is least change and change is easiest to manage. CBE is an example of a restful data platform to persist canonical / business domain data. It also shows the use of CDAF - Continuous Delivery Automation Process. The project can be found here: Github: CBE

This project is a good starting point but I have moved into model driven generation which creates these data platforms from a model. I'll be writing about this shortly.

Data Maturity

Standard data models (E.g. SID, Accord, IFW, Fhir etc) are measured in maturity which means they change less over time. Conversely, products are responding to business changes which means constant changes to schema and versions.

By persisting data in it's business form rather than application form we get less change as the entities and relationships are matured.

There is a commonality to most of the standard data models

After years of working in banking, telco, utilities and retail some models are always present in well implemented enterprise models:

Example: Party -> Party Role

The most usable level of normalisation is to recognise that people and organisations have multiple roles in the company. For example most employees are also customers so we can say this is a Person with two roles. Once we have a comprehensive set of roles people play and the data persisted in an easily accessible form, an organisation can become truly customer focussed.

CBE models these common business entities and allows extensions for each business/industry.

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